by admin | Mar 29, 2021 | Blog, Uncategorized
Tex Garment Zone est une entreprise de vêtements basée à Dhaka, au Bangladesh. Notre entreprise a été fondée en 2009. Nous sommes équipés pour fabriquer une gamme complète de produits tricotés et...
by admin | Mar 29, 2021 | Blog, Uncategorized
Tex Garment Zone è una società di abbigliamento con sede a Dhaka, in Bangladesh. La nostra azienda è stata fondata nel 2009. Al momento siamo orientati alla produzione di una gamma completa di prodotti a maglia e tessuti come: t-shirt, polo,...
by admin | Mar 28, 2021 | Blog, blog, blog, Uncategorized
American and Western European companies consider China the quintessential supplier of components or finished goods, whether shoes, general household items and most especially clothing materials. The United States has always privileged its southern neighbors in...
by admin | Mar 27, 2021 | Blog, Uncategorized
When someone wants to dedicate themselves to the fashion industry in a professional way, in addition to attending or being aware of the most important fashion shows carried out across the globe, it is very interesting to attend internationally renowned sectoral fairs....
by admin | Mar 24, 2021 | blog, blog, Blog, blog, Non classifié(e), Sin categorizar, Uncategorized, Unkategorisiert
Establishing good supplier relationships, an activity sometimes called “supplier relationship management” is crucial to business success. Companies are increasingly relying on suppliers to help reduce costs and turnaround times, innovate and improve...